Ukuhlanganiswa okuvinjelwe ngokuqinile ngendandatho yethusi

  • Imodeli: Grip-gt
  • Usayizi:
  • Ukubekwa uphawu uphawu: I-EPDM, NBR, Viton, Silicone.
  • Ikhwalithi ye-SS: I-Aisi304, i-Aisi316l, aisi316TI.
  • Ipharamitha yezobuchwepheshe:

    Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

    I-Grip-GT ilungele amapayipi ahlukahlukene angewona insimbi avinjelwe. Unique threaded copper anchoring ring design enable the coupling connect the pipes properly without slight scratch or damage. Ukuhlangana kuxhumanisa umthambo ngokulinganayo. Ilungele amapayipi OD φ26.9-φ800.0mm


    I-Conping Range Ububanzi
    Ogagalisayo  Isithombe 1 ISITHOMBE 2 B C
    (Mm) (Mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) M
    32 31-33 16 25 61 26 5 10
    40 16 25 61 26 5 15
    50 16 25 61 26 10 15
    63 16 25 76 37 10 20
    75 74-76 16 25 95 41 10 25
    90 16 25 95 41 10 25
    11 16 25 95 41 15 25
    125 16 25 11 54 15 60
    140 16 25 11 54 15 60
    I-160 16 25 11 54 25 90
    Umfana no-180 10 16 142 80 25 90
    -Mashumi 10 16 142 80 25 90

    Impahla ye-ruble gasket

    Izinto ezibonakalayo ze-seal Ububanzi bokushisa

    Isondlo MAHHALA nenkinga yamahhala

    Umphumela wokubekwa uphawu

    Isikhathi eside senkonzo


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