I-Double Lock Pipe Clamp (ipayipi Ukulungiswa nge-2 Lock Active System System)

  • Imodeli: Grip-d
  • Usayizi: I-OD φ180-φ20202032mm
  • Ukubekwa uphawu uphawu:
  • Ikhwalithi ye-SS:
  • Ipharamitha yezobuchwepheshe:Gip-D 【BUBLELS】

    I-Double Lock Pipe Clamp (ipayipi Ukulungiswa nge-2 Lock Active System System)

    I-IT Ihambisa amapayipi amakhulu, isigaxa sokulungiswa kohlobo ezimbili singalungisa ipayipi ngaphandle kwesikhala esikhulu sokufaka.

    The advantage of GRIP-D repair clamps is that is can befitted to existing pipes in situation, without any need to remove and replacing pipes, GRIP-R pipe repair clamp can repair the pipes that are ageing and corrosive and pipe wall has holes or cracks . When installing it, it only needs pipe clamp to wrap the leakage part and tighten the bolt. Then the installation is finished ideally and reliably.

    Ipayipi elingaphandle kobubanzi I-Conping Range Ububanzi Ibanga phakathi kokuvalwa kokubopha Isilinganiso seTorque Umshudo
    Ogagalisayo  Isithombe 1 ISITHOMBE 2 ★ D B C ngaphandle kokufaka umucu
    (Mm) (Mm) (ibha) (ibha) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Nm) M
    Umfana no-180 16 30 204 142 25 75 40 60 M12 × 2
    -Mashumi 16 30 224 142 25 75 40 60
    16 30 142 25 75 40 60
    25 9.843 247-253 16 25 282 142 25 75 40 80
    267 264-270 16 25 299 142 25 75 40 80
    273 16 25 305 142 25 75 40 80
    30 11.969 10 20 I-336 142 25 75 40 80
    323.9 10 20 355.9 142 25 75 40 80
    355.6 14.000 352-359 8.5 16 142 25 75 40 80
    377 375-379 8.5 16 409 142 25 75 40 80
    402-411 7.5 16 438 142 25 75 40 80
    452-462 6.5 12 489 142 25 75 40 80
    508 20.000 503-513 6 10 540 142 25 75 40 I-120 M16 × 2
    554-564 5.5 10 142 25 75 40 I-160
    24.000 5 10 142 25 75 40 I-160
    711.2 708-715 4 5 142 25 75 40 I-160
    I-762 30.000 758-766 4 5 794 142 25 75 40 I-160
    812.8 4 5 142 25 75 40 I-160
    914.4 910-918 4 5 142 25 75 40 I-160
    I-1016 40.000 4 5 I-1048 142 25 75 40 -Mashumi
    1117.6 1113-1122 I-3.5 5 142 25 75 40 -Mashumi
    I-3.5 5 142 25 75 40 -Mashumi
    3 5 1352.8 142 25 75 40 I-240
    3 5 142 25 75 40 I-240
    1524 2,5 5 1556 142 25 75 40 I-240
    2,5 5 142 25 75 40 I-240
    2,5 5 142 25 75 40 I-240
    2 5 142 25 75 40 I-240
    Ngo-1930.4 2 5 142 25 75 40 I-240
    2032 2 5 I-2064 142 25 75 40 I-240

    V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

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